Thursday, January 22, 2009

From Beauty to Beauty

Miniature #16
Oil on canvas board
7"x9" oil
January 17, 2009

This is an earring stand -- once again borrowed from my flatmate. On that note, shoutout to Emily. I LOVE YOU. Your things are fabulous. If it wasn't for you, all I would ever paint is stuff I find in the fridge and would otherwise stuff in my mouth. Each of the swirls coming from the head are metal bars you're suppposed to hang earrings on. Since the stand is pretty and my Emily is pretty, I'm calling this painting "From Beauty to Beauty." The ballroom gown is absolutely lovely. The part I like the most are the peacock feathers. The photo fails to capture the iridescent green/black layering of the feathers. It just looks plain black here. What a shame! You've got to see this in person.

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