Saturday, September 20, 2008

Orange You Glad?

Miniature #8
Oil on canvas board
7"x9" oil
September 10, 2008

I painted this last Wednesday. After failing a landscape painting, I decided to tackle a wedge of orange. I am a compulsive correcter, constantly finding faults and repainting over areas. This time, I tried to restrain myself, calculate my brushstrokes and not overdo it. The white you see in the background is actually virgin canvas. Orange you glad I didn't overdo it?

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Miniature #7
Oil on canvas board
7"x9" oil
First week of September, 2008

In retrospect, I really didn't like paintings 5 and 6 -- they were too low key for my taste. I love the vibrant greens of the kiwi flesh. The orange makes the slices pop out even more. The background is giving me light retina burns though. :)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Orphaned Kitten

Miniature #6
Oil on canvas board
7"x9" oil
August 6, 2008

Years ago, my mom picked up a pair of ceramic kittens for me. She tought they were adorable, but I absolutely hated them. A while later, one came crashing to the ground and shattered. I laughed. Recently, I didn't have anything else handy to paint, so I decided to paint this lone kitty (on canvas, not on the actual ceramic that is). It doesn't look nearly as ugly anymore. I'm even starting to find it cute. Focusing on an object for an extended time really makes you see it differently.

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Old and the New

Miniature #5
Oil on canvas board
7"x9" oil
August 6, 2008

I truly hope that the Chinese Olympics are going to be successful. People have been making such a big deal out of it so now it feels that either China will succeed or fail -- there is no middle ground left. China is a traditional country making progressive steps towards modern society, so this painting reminded me of that. First, you have the ancient Chinese ashtray and then you have the new polyethylene coaster. Can they work together? Well, it did for me. :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Polish Delight

Miniature #4
Oil on canvas board
7"x9" oil
June ?, 2008

I never tasted Turkish Delight before, but these individually packaged chocolates we get from a Polish store are amazing. Too bad I started this painting during a heat wave and under an intense light bulb. When I picked the chocolate up after I finished painting, it was all soft and molten. I refrigerated it and had fun licking pieces off the foil. :)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Puppy Napping

Miniature #3
Oil on canvas board
9"x7" oil
June 4, 2008

I am trying to get away from shiny objects for a while. Here is a painting a a plushie. I had quite a challenge with this. Notice the orange underpainting in the top centre -- it wasn't intentional. If I am not satisfied with the result, I will paint over a canvas multiple times, so the orange is from a previous color scheme. I'd say that about half my paintings have at least another different paintings under them.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hello Kitty

Miniature #2
Oil on canvas board
9"x12" oil
May 28, 2008

I can't possibly be the only one to be bewildered by this kitten's popularity. I admit, she is adorable, but the obsession, especially in Asian countries, is absolutely astounding. This is an old and faithful Hello Kitty alarm clock that used to be white but is now a light shade of yellow. However, with the multiple light sources, she looks more green-gray than anything else. This painting was loads of fun and I enjoyed the intense highlights most of all.

Anyone see the pattern with shiny things?

$100 Canadian including shipping to US and Canada.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Shiny Tomatoes

Miniature #1
Oil on canvas board
9"x12" oil
May 27, 2008

I have been watching other daily painters for a while now, and believe that it is high time to join them. What better idea to study the world around us than by making quick sketches of daily objects? Although I must add that my 9"x12" painting is getting on the large end for miniatures.

Since fruits and vegetables are a perennial favorite, here are my contribution fresh from the garden. I love the sheen these tomatoes took under a bright spotlight. They almost look as though they are made of glass.