Saturday, September 20, 2008

Orange You Glad?

Miniature #8
Oil on canvas board
7"x9" oil
September 10, 2008

I painted this last Wednesday. After failing a landscape painting, I decided to tackle a wedge of orange. I am a compulsive correcter, constantly finding faults and repainting over areas. This time, I tried to restrain myself, calculate my brushstrokes and not overdo it. The white you see in the background is actually virgin canvas. Orange you glad I didn't overdo it?


Unknown said...

Once again, I find myself marveling at your ability to make oil look like waterclour - did you use a lot of linseed oil to thin the paint?

It's a very warm painting - it gives a strong impression of natural light. What did you paint it on - or rather, what was the orange on when you painted it?

It looks quite tasty, if a little suspiciously gnawed on ;)


Y. Liu said...

I use linseed oil and turpentine -- brain murdering turpentine and alter the ratio depending on how thick I want the paint to be.

The orange was on a really reflective but cheapo glazed ceramic plate.