Saturday, August 9, 2008

Orphaned Kitten

Miniature #6
Oil on canvas board
7"x9" oil
August 6, 2008

Years ago, my mom picked up a pair of ceramic kittens for me. She tought they were adorable, but I absolutely hated them. A while later, one came crashing to the ground and shattered. I laughed. Recently, I didn't have anything else handy to paint, so I decided to paint this lone kitty (on canvas, not on the actual ceramic that is). It doesn't look nearly as ugly anymore. I'm even starting to find it cute. Focusing on an object for an extended time really makes you see it differently.


Unknown said...

Oh, cerematic - I thought it was another cute made-up animal like the parrot painting. laughing away at the smashed kitty is very clear in my mind you know. I can see it...

The kitty looks soft and sweet. It's fur has a really rich tone, probably from the background. It's eyes are a little freaky though - are they blue?


Y. Liu said...

No, the eyes are black. The sculpture is well made overall with all the colours nicely sealed under the glaze, but the eyes were just painted on the surface using matte paint so... I had to improvise.